Journal Policies:

1. Access policy

Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (IqJPR) is an open access journal, accordingly all published articles are made immediately available worldwide and everyone has free and unlimited access to the full-text of all articles; IqJPR applies an open access Creative Common CC BY license (a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license), that’s mean any part of the article may be reused without permission provided that the original article is clearly cited.

2. Article processing charge (APC)

Authors are required to pay a one-time APC of 150K IQD  or (100$ ) to IqJPR upon acceptance of manuscript to cover the costs professional production of articles and ensure the journal development. There are no charges for rejected articles, no submission charges, and no surcharges based on the length of an article, figures or supplementary data.

3. Copyright and licensing

IqJPR applies the license of CC BY (a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license). Upon acceptance of paper, authors are required to sign to a copy right transfer form to move the paper ownership to the journal. Additionally, this license permits authors and readers to download, print out, extract, reuse, archive, and distribute the article, as long as provided that the original article is clearly cited. The license ensures that the article will be immediately available worldwide.

4. Plagiarism policy

All manuscripts submitted to the IqJPR should be an original articles and will be evaluated for plagiarism using Turnitin's plagiarism detection software before sending to the reviewers. The minimum accepted limit of plagiarism is 20%.

5. Peer review policy:

IqJPR operates a double–blind peer review policy by sending the manuscript to three reviewers. Editorial board will be solely responsible on selecting the reviewers whose area of expertise meet the field of the submitted article. Editorial board will keep the right of changing the reviewers in case of delayed responses as that can hinder the publication process. Authors should not interfere by any means in the selection process of the reviewers.

6. Patient consent

It is author responsibility to obtain proper consents, permission and releases to include personnel information of patients according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679. Individual names, date of birth, Id numbers or any other identifying information should not be used.

7. Ethics of publication

IqJPR as a peer reviewed journal based its ethical policy on guidelines of Committees of Publication Ethics (COPE) ( Ethical behaviour of journal editors, publishers, reviewer, and author will always have an impact on the value of science published by IqJPR.

a) Publisher commitments:

• IqJPR is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the scholarly record.

• IqJPR is committed to ensure the neutrality and will never affect the editorial decisions.

• IqJPR is committed to reserve and maintain the academic archives.

• IqJPR is responsible for providing editors with all type of technical support.

• IqJPR is committed to ensure that the publication process is conducted under ethical consideration.

b) Editors commitments:

• Journal editor is responsible for accepting an article for the peer review  process if the authors adhere to the journal policy.

• Journal editor is responsible for selecting reviewers whose speciality matches the article scope. • Journal editor is responsible for conducting plagiarism checking.

• Journal editor should protect the confidentiality of the reviewers identity as well as the material to be published.

• Journal editor required to declare conflict of interests to the publisher.

• The editor should never use unpublished data or information disclosed in a submitted paper for their personal research work.

• Journal editor is solely responsible for accepting or rejection the publication of a particular article after receiving reviewers responses.

c) Reviewer commitments:

• Reviewers committed to accept the review of article in their field of speciality.

• Reviewers committed to work within the time frame set by the editors.

• Reviewers committed to keep the confidentiality and the privacy of the manuscript.

• Reviewers committed to disclose any conflict of interests to editors.

• Reviewers committed to raise any potential ethical concern to the editors.

• Reviewers committed to provide scientific, constructive critique on the manuscript in a clear statements that can be understand by the authors.

d) Authors commitments:

• Authors are responsible for submitting manuscript written in an appropriate English. • Authors are responsible for submitting an original work that not consider for publication by another journal.

• The corresponding author is responsible for taking the co-authors permission for article publication.        • All authors should have substantial contribution to the submitted work while others who participate in certain aspect of the paper (such as language editing) should be acknowledged only.

• Authors are responsible for submitting any supporting data needed by editorial board or reviewers and they are required to actively participate in the review process. 

• Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for citing or quoting other authors work when it necessary.

• Authors are required to declare any conflict of interests to the editors those might include: source of funding, working as consultant, and so on.

• Authors are responsible for notifying the editors about any errors discovered in an article after publication. Editor might correct or retract the paper.

8. Human and animal rights

Human subject research must be performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and must be approved by an appropriate ethics committee. Ethics committee approval should be obtained by authors prior the beginning of the study for any experimental use of a novel procedure or tool. Ethical approval need to be included in the manuscript. Any research involve animal model should be consistent with commonly accepted norms of animal research. Relevant guidelines (e.g. the revised Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 in the UK and Directive 2010/63/EU in Europe) should be followed.