Reviewer Checklist

The following checklist should be submitted with your review:

  • One short paragraph to sum up the manuscript.
  • Is the manuscript represent a novel adds to science.
  • All comments are clearly defined to the corresponding section.
  • Is the manuscript followed the instructions in the guide for authors and written in the journal template.
  • Does the article have short and concise title that accurately reflect the presented work.
  • Is the abstract complete and fall in logic structure of introduction, aim, methodology, results and conclusion.
  • Does the article answer all the objective questions.
  • Check the references are written according to the journal specifications.
  • Check the work was not published on any other places.


Final recommendation should be one of the following:

  • Reject (with proper justification)
  • Accept without revision
  • Accept with Revision – major or minor (clear explanation for the type of the revision)